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Old 09-20-2022, 05:44 PM   #3
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Why do you still insist they came crossed illegally Even law enforcement states these people were here legally. They were documented. They had the right to walk around the streets free and not be transported across the country for it to be a media event. That's a tragedy. That is at worst some type of crime. We're going to look at what extent of the law we can hold people accountable."

But conservatives only want accountability for whom they disagree with. while covering for the crimes of those they agree and support with out question, no matter how horrible

The pages of American history are full of recent Republicans examples of brotherly love
"There are limits Jim and the law prescribes those limits and procedures. It’s Republicans who wish not to fix the problem they insist exist"

And the fact that 2 million will come illegally, makes the limits prescribed by law, moot.

"There are not 2 million staying in America but keep insisting that’s what happening"

They stay here until they get deported, if that happens. In teh meantime, they need a place to live and food and medical care and social services and schools. When Obama put them in cages, not a peep. When Trump used the same exact cages, it was a crime against humanity.

"no Jim it’s called the truth you should try it ."

It's "your" truth. Not "the" truth. Which side want school choice? Which side implemented criminal justice reform?
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