Thread: Dark Brandon
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Old 09-14-2022, 01:32 PM   #67
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
What kind of leader would call the free press, a sitting president and a secretary of state “the enemy”?

Who would call police officers who defended the Capitol against a violent mob of insurrectionists “p*ssies”?

Who would call members of the opposing political party “un-American” and “treasonous,” simply because they didn’t clap for you?

It’s unheard of.

Finally, the folks at Fox News are also bummed at Biden. Jesse Watters, a reliably sensitive host who once urged young conservatives to “ambush” Anthony Fauci and then “go in for the kill shot,” complained that Biden has waged a “war on terror” against him and other MAGA Republicans.

Harris Faulkner also wondered aloud, “Do we really, really love the citizens of this great nation? We have a president who hates at least half of them.”

These are the aching words of the downtrodden, mistreated and tortured souls of Trump’s MAGA army. How they survive in these unlivable conditions, under this kind of oppression, is anyone’s guess.

Perhaps, and I’m just spitballing, Biden’s words — that Trump and MAGA Republicans “represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic” — are cutting so deep because they are irrefutably true.

Storming the Capitol to overturn a democratic election is extreme and threatens the very foundations of our republic.

Nominating self-avowed election deniers to positions of power all over the country is extreme and threatens the very foundations of our republic.

Denying basic facts in favor of baseless conspiracy theories is extreme and threatens the very foundations of our republic.

Biden didn’t invent the idea that MAGA world is a threat to democracy, and most American people — including a quarter of Republicans — agree, according to recent polling.

But you can understand why this would be so hard to hear, so painful, so gut-wrenching, even for the party that belittles liberal “snowflakes” for finding words and ideas offensive…

…and even for the party that shrugged when Trump mocked a disabled journalist, a prisoner of war, a teenage activist, Asian accents and asylum seekers…

…and even for the party that accepted Trump’s disparaging comments about women, Jews, Blacks, Muslims, LGBTQ, immigrants and the poor.

Indeed, let’s all have some empathy and compassion for the aggrieved MAGA Republicans, who no longer feel safe in Joe Biden’s America.
not asking for any empathy. perhaps a speck of honesty, but nope

you kick scott for starting the thread. you like doing searches on who said what, how many threads have been started here by democrats offended by trump’s words? more than the 1?

who would call police officers racist barbarians? but, as always, it’s ok when you guys do it.
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