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Old 08-22-2022, 10:43 PM   #35
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: vt
Posts: 13,073
President Biden’s job approval rating has risen 11% in the last month, according to (Jim’s favorite pollster) Rasmussen poll.

What do you attribute this to?

Could it be that he’s had some successes and Trump being in possession of stolen classified documents and trying to cover with nonsensical lies may finally have been the last straw for sane people.

Also the radical extremist GQP calling for dismantling of the FBI, DOJ and IRS and the shooting of federal agents.

The biggest lie the Right ever pulled off was convincing so many everyday Americans that the people wanting to give them affordable healthcare, education & a living wage were somehow the bad guys out to destroy America.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
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