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Old 08-22-2022, 12:15 PM   #518
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Actually I find you such a scummy person that I don't like being around you so after a few back and forths I usually stop. If you think that is winning, so be it.

So you do have friends on this site? Have you fished with anyone? Who would you recognize walking down the street?
"Actually I find you such a scummy person that I don't like being around you so after a few back and forths I usually stop. If you think that is winning, so be it. "

It mutual Paul. So we can drop it or keep bringing it up.

"do have friends on this site? Have you fished with anyone? Who would you recognize walking down the street?"

Friends? No, not among current active members. I used to, not any more, my friends bailed on the site. Does that make you a superior human being? Maybe. Anyway I have fished with several captains here as charter guests - Cohen (several times), Fishbucket (several times), Rich Wood, . Ask any of them if they think I'm scummy. Ask the guy here I never met but I gave a never-used Habs needle to, if he thinks I'm scummy.

Paul, if it's scummy to not like someone who, among other things, says it's OK to call people "retard" who disagree with him, then call me scummy, or whatever you want. I like the air on my side of the aisle where we'd never use that word to slander an innocent and special person. But of course you, being liberal, are above being accused of moral shortcomings. Even when doing something that everyone except you and Archie Bunker would say is deeply hateful.

I stand by my comment that it's very, very stupid to deny that it's generally good for American workers when American companies are much more profitable. If I say "workers tend to do better when their employers are much more profitable", if the left wants to deny that because a Republican who they hate made companies more profitable and therefore helped workers, that's your right. And it's my right to laugh at the stupidity of that. And again, it's a compliment to Bryan, not an insult, that I was sad to see him fall into that trap.

Carry on...

Last edited by Jim in CT; 08-22-2022 at 12:29 PM..
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