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Old 08-22-2022, 10:38 AM   #515
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
you say things like this when you're out of intellectual ammo Paul, which happens to you quite frequently.

Bryan was (is?) literally the only liberal here capable of showing intellectual honesty. Literally the only one. But when someone says that employees don't benefit when american companies are much more profitable, that is someone who is chugging the Kool Aid. Only 2 kinds of people can say that. Either one has absolutely no clue what happens at most American companies, or one is willing to flat out lie when the truth doesn't serve their political agenda. If there's a third alternative, sorry but I don't know what it is. I was disappointed to hear him say that, and that's a compliment to him, not an insult. We expect precisely that from the rest, because that's all you do.

I got news for you and your Komrades, Bryan

Bryan was (is?) literally the only liberal here capable of showing intellectual honesty.

sadly you have no concept of intellectual honesty. but please keep thinking you do and you are intellectual honest ....

You still haven't noticed! Have you... that most of your responses and Post are so twisted with lies and half truths and so outlandish ..

It's the only reason people even respond .... because we live in reality actually go places see the world for what it is .. Not just what Fox news tells us what the world looks like ..

And the proof of this fantasy is the ignorant claim that red state Americans look more like real Americans then Dem states ...

while you lived in a Blue state for 40 years

PS texas 52.06% 5,890,347 are Republicans 46.48% 5,259,126 Dems welcome to the real world
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