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Old 08-10-2022, 03:23 PM   #328
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Jim’s freedom definition

I should be able to do what I want when I want ! With only the restrictions I agree with. Society can go to hell.

Yep that’s not freedom it’s selfishness .

your simplifying examples . of course only liberals do those things

Like I said denial

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"Jim’s freedom definition

I should be able to do what I want when I want !"

Funny, isn't that the entire pro-abortion position, in one poorly constructed sentence?

"Society can go to hell. "

If the conservative view of freedom is "hell-ish", please explain why so many people and businesses are moving to red states? They're all masochists?

"your simplifying examples . of course only liberals do those things"

You're lying again. I never said "only liberals" do those things. I concede conservatives can be greedy and dishonest and hypocritical, I've said that 1,000 times. I listed those examples because you are the absolutist who will never admit democrats do those things.

"Like I said denial "

How am I in denial, when I admit that conservatives are guilty of every sin known to man? The one denying facts is you, when you deny that liberals are similarly flawed. I provided irrefutable examples of their hypocrisy. But you, the one in denial, will never admit it.

Make that wrong. Go ahead and admit that liberals, being human,. are flawed as well. You'll never admit it, you can't. Because you don't merely believe in liberalism, you are a slave to it.

Why not set aside the "conservatives are evil, liberals are noble" bullsh8t and talk honestly about policies, results, and what Americans actually want?
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