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Old 08-05-2022, 09:39 AM   #289
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For months now, the Governors of Texas and Arizona have been sending charter buses full of migrants and refugees to Washington D.C.'s Union Station, just a few blocks from the Capitol Building.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott says he started sending the buses to D.C. because the Biden administration attempted to lift the pandemic-era emergency Title 42 order that allowed the U.S. to deny migrants entry.

yet title 42 hasn't been lifted

According to Gov. Abbott's office, more than 6,100 migrants have been bused to D.C. from Texas alone and he's proud of that and showing his base he's owing the libs

Gov. Abbott's plan to bus migrants to D.C. "political theater". and Arizona Governor Doug Ducey playing along

what's next tattooed numbers ..

So the above is no great surprise seeing Texas already laid out the red carpet for like minded Orban

Gov. Greg Abbott and Hungarian Prime Minister headline first day of conservative conference in Dallas

But Orban has found defenders among prominent American conservatives Tucker Carlson and Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance.
Trump called Orban his “friend” and said he valued his perspective. “Few people know as much about what is going on in the world today,” Trump said.

Matt Schlapp, who leads the American Conservative Union that organizes CPAC, has defended Orban’s invitation in the name of free speech.

The crowd booed when Orban brought up George Soros, what a surprise
He concluded by looking to elections that will be held in both the United States and European Union in 2024.

“These two locations will define the two fronts in the battle being fought for Western civilization,” Orban said. “Today we hold neither of them yet. We need both. You have two years to get ready.”

Republicans of Old wouldn't be caught dead in the same room as Orban But know they dont want to be seen not by his side
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