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Old 08-04-2022, 03:24 PM   #49
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When Hungary's prime minister, Viktor Orbán, arrived in the U.S. this week, he bypassed the White House and President Biden to pay a visit to a more admiring U.S. president. He caught up with former President Donald Trump at his golf course in Bedminster, N.J.

many in the right wing of the Republican party, Orbán offers a model for electoral success.

They have a funny definition of electoral success ..

most people call it Lying with a dash of Stealing then calling it election integrity

Many Hungarian policies would rankle the American right. Abortion is legal in Hungary, to a point. The state greatly restricts private gun ownership. And the government offers health care to all.

Such distinctions make no difference to fans seeking inspiration from a strong leader

He's fighting for an old white world or old white Europe where, you know, men were men and women were women," "And there were no transgender people or gay people. Or if there were gay people they stayed at home."

Now we know the real reason Republicans love Him
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