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Old 07-30-2022, 08:31 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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did the gop senators vote against vets

this is the problem with politicians and the media

Yes, gop senators blocked a bill that would have expanded medical
help to vets exposed to chemical contamination.

That doesn’t necessarily mean they were opposed to helping the vets

If any of you did 5 seconds of digging, you’d see that senators Toomey and McConnell made it very clear they were in favor of the purpose of the bill, but they were opposed to some budgetary gimmick they say is in the bill, that would allow democrats to use tons of money for unrelated things

I’m not a lawyer, and none of us read the proposed bill, so i don’t know for certain that Toomey and McConnell are truthful about what’s in there. But i searched, and i couldn’t find a single
democrat saying they were lying. I found lots of democrats insulting them for opposing helping vets. as we know well, lobbing insults is what one often does when they can’t win, but can’t admit they did anything wrong.

If the republicans are lying, it would be very easy to prove it. And no one has done so, not yet.

this is what both sides do. They write a bill everyone supports and give it a title that no one would object to, then they throw some partisan pet project in there, the other side opposes the unrelated pork, and everyone claims they actually opposed the purpose of the named bill.

We need to elect different kinds of people. both sides

And the simpletons here need to figure out that no one is opposed to helping vets. If the democrats put some budgetary gimmicks into a bill that’s purportedly aimed at helping sick vets, it’s their fault it didn’t pass.

if the gop is lying about the gimmick being in there, shame on them
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