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Old 07-26-2022, 08:28 AM   #14
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Objectively isn’t your strong suit is it.

Any normal objective person sees this for what it is . and rock hound laid it out in the simplest of terms

But you seemed to have taken the GOP side ..

In a nut shell the GOP is doing what subway did .

Claiming to sell a 100% tuna sub (a Democratic vote) but minus the Tuna ( twisting and rushing a vote on a primary day )

While still saying their tuna sub is 100% tuna

Republicans are afraid of the ballot box that’s why they attack any attempts to make voting easy and accessible for everyone.

But gerrymandering the electoral college and voting restrictions are the way they can stay in power
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gerrymandering is bad? none of you cared when NY democrats did it and got caught.
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