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Old 07-08-2022, 09:16 AM   #32
Jim in CT
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Pete, Charlie Crist is my very, very favorite kind of politician (sarcasm).

He was a republican governor of FL.

He ran for the US Senate as a republican, was defeated in the primary by Marco Rubio. Team player that Crist is, he then ran for Senate as an independent, Rubio still miraculously won.

So Crist changed parties, ran for governor again as a democrat, was defeated by Rick Scott.

So he found a blue house district, ran there for House Of Reps, and finally won something.

Crist is an absolute, shape-shifting, unprincipled reptile. His only principle is his conviction that he must have control over the people of FL.

Doesn't mean he can't win, but he's a lizard.
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