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Old 07-07-2022, 03:51 PM   #2
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Trump’s new money-maker: political speeches to fans

The former president makes millions appearing at events that resemble his political rallies.

Trump’s head on a muscular, shirtless body, were attendees who paid $55 for a pair of tickets as “citizens,” a general admittance option. At the front, closest to the doors guarded by Secret Service agents, stood a “presidential” tier who shelled out $3,995 each.

Paid presidential speeches are nothing new. It’s nice work if you can get it,” said Mark K. Updegrove, president of the LBJ Foundation and author of “Second Acts: Presidential Lives And Legacies After The White House.” “The difference here is Trump is doing this under the guise of a political rally. There might be a little deception there.”

His followers are suckers and what cult of personality
obama has a 25m house on martha’s vineyard, and a mansion in hawaii. but it’s ok when obama cashes in on his former presidency. because everything is ok when democrats do it.

his followers remember how much better and prosperous life was when he was in office. those idiotic tweets don’t seem so bad now.

We had an unbelievable jerk who was president when life was easy and things were cheap ( until
covid). now we have a mean spirited alzheimer’s patient who is overseeing insane inflation, at the same time as a stock market correction.

You can’t care about results and think biden is doing a good job. you just can’t. because his bad results far outweigh whatever good results they’re more have been. The reckoning is coming.
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