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Old 07-02-2022, 10:02 AM   #18
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the force is strong in the GOP Sith Order

this is just a republican primary in GA wait till the midterms and if the GOP fails to win Big OMG the election deniers will be out in force

"I want y'all to know that I do not concede," Kandiss Taylor said in a video posted to social media. "I do not. And if the people who did this and cheated are watching, I do not concede."

Kemp won Georgia's primary with about 74% of the vote. Perdue, who had the backing of former President Donald Trump, earned about 22% of the vote.

And Taylor? Just 3.4%.

Election deniers have taken their fraud theories on tour — to nearly every state

Taylor is a fringe, far-right figure in Georgia with a history of making false claims about the 2020 election, voting machines and how elections are run. In the days following her defeat, Taylor has asked followers to sign affidavits stating they voted for her to prove she won the election — despite no evidence the vote totals are incorrect and with the deadline to challenge an election already passed.
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