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Old 06-25-2022, 08:47 AM   #41
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As Roe falls, criminal defense lawyers sound the alarm about mass incarceration

with a criminalized abortion, the "victim" isn't pressing charges. They're fighting them.

Yep all these god fearing red states who have criminalized Abortion or the morning after pill people and have made laws to basically deputize those people in their rabid base to seek out and report these women killers or parents of Transgender children for child abuse! No facts required just a feeling or even less if the vote Democratic.

Keep telling yourself they are not come for gay marriage trans rights or birth control ( this case was only about 15week law but they moved the goal post). Thomas writing was for yard sale sign for those people and Thomas invited them to file lawsuits

But I love this one the best Roe was egregiously wrong from the start," Alito writes in the draft opinion. He’s been on the bench since 2006 . But in 2022 he and Republicans stacked the court enough ( with clear dishonesty)with like minded justices to take this position..

His solo dissent in that 1991 case is a big reason conservatives are so enthusiastic

At issue in the case, Planned Parenthood v. Casey, was whether a state could force married women to notify their husbands before they obtain an abortion. The Pennsylvania Legislature enacted such a regulation in 1989, saying a father has a legitimate interest in the fate of his unborn child.

Alito voted to uphold it as a judge on the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia. He argued the rule did not put an “undue burden” on women, But when the case reached the Supreme Court in 1992, O’Connor and the court majority rejected Alito’s view and characterized the “spousal-notification” rule as an insult to married women. “Women do not lose their constitutionally protected liberty when they marry,” the court said in an opinion written in part by O’Connor. It is “repugnant to our present understanding of marriage” to permit the state “to enable the husband to wield an effective veto over his wife’s decision,” the court said.
Yep another devout Catholic were man is the boss

Jim there’s is noting to comment on what waters said .. only you and the your conservatives puppet masters

Are claiming she made a threat … it’s more likely because she’s Black ….

If I recall you defended .. video of Colorado Representative Lauren Boebert saying she prays that President Joe Biden's days are few Psalms 109:8. Just another example of selective reading and claiming something was said or inferred . When clearly the words don’t back you up
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