Thread: $5 & $7
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Old 06-12-2022, 06:55 PM   #103
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Jim who actually reduced global production ! Trump not Biden not democrats Trump along with. Other oil producers made this agreement
That they have been more that willing to stick to..

But keep believing in your fantasy that been hostile (in words alone because you can’t name a single oil restriction this administration has imposed on the oil companies

And don’t mention keystone it wasn’t even being built under Trump

As the reasons they won’t pump more oil. And they are private companies they pump what they want. There is no government control in oil production or pricing. By this Administration. Not so for the last one. They couldn’t make up their minds pump or don’t pump
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first you denied production was down, ow you’re saying it’s down but it. Bidens fault.

American production is down. That means we’re producing less than we were before.

You blamed trump for
covid, and we all know you blamed bush for the subprime mortgage crisis. So you believe a president is responsible for the bad stuff that happens on his watch. Fine. Now it’s your turn to be in the receiving end of that logic. Whats good for the goose and all.
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