Thread: $5 & $7
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Old 06-08-2022, 08:14 AM   #14
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers;1it went n227670
Jim can't your read, it wasn't put in writing, owhere and NOBODY committed a felony. Let's see how that plays out for your red team, oh wait there already are convictions and it's only going to get worse.
"it wasn't put in writing"

So it's OK to act to overturn a free election, as long as you don't write anything down.

Can't argue with that...

"it went nowhere"

How far did the coup attempt on January 6th go? How close did they come? Did they get congress discussing it, like the democrats did it 2016? You're acting like Trump was just ready to get sworn in again, and at the last second Jack Bauer came on from a helicopter and put a stop to it with a kabar knife in his teeth.

"there already are convictions and it's only going to get worse"

I have no problem with convicting everyone who committed an actual crime. I apply that to the idiots on January 6th, , as well as BLM rioters, who got a pass for being FAR more violent than anything that happened on January 6th. Because as always, it's OK when liberals riot and burn. People couldn't go to church, but they could participate in BLM riots.

I can't wait to se how it plays out. Because no one will care come November if they're paying $6 a gallon for gas, and a used Toyota Corolla costs $30,000. and the stock market is down so parents can't afford tuition payments in the fall. If those things happen (likley), no one will give a darn about January 6th except radical, radical lefties who are deranged with TDS.

Come November, we'll see how many Americans care more January 6, we'll see whether you or I is the one way out of touch with regular Americans.

You guys, your obsession with Trump makes John Hinkley's feelings towards Jodie Foster look like a casual interest.
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