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Old 06-08-2022, 07:42 AM   #12
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Jim doing whataboutism that's a shocker......NOT

The Facts
In the 2016 presidential election, Trump won 304 electoral votes to Hillary Clinton's 227. During the joint session on January 6, 2017, seven House Democrats tried to object to electoral votes from multiple states.

According to a C-SPAN recording of the joint session that took place four years ago, the following House Democrats made objections:

Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) objected to Alabama's votes.
Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) objected to Florida's votes.
Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) objected to Georgia's votes.
Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.) objected to North Carolina's votes.
Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) objected to the votes from North Carolina in addition to votes from South Carolina and Wisconsin. She also stood up and objected citing "massive voter suppression" after Mississippi's votes were announced.
Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) brought up allegations of Russian interference in the election and malfunctioning voting machines when she objected following the announcement of Michigan's votes.
Maxine Waters (D-Calif) rose and said, "I do not wish to debate. I wish to ask 'Is there one United States senator who will join me in this letter of objection?'" after the announcement of Wyoming's votes.
For an objection to be considered, it must be submitted in writing and signed by a member of both the House and Senate. Because no senators signed onto the objections made by House Democrats in 2017, then-Vice President Biden by law denied all of the objections, repeatedly saying "there is no debate."
I said ":a small number of Congressional democrats", and you basically provided support that I was right.

Every single time you guys get caught in naked hypocrisy, you try to dismiss it as "whataboutism".

Why was it OK what the democrats did, and not what happened on January 6?

Those congressional democrats you listed...did they, or did they not, try to un-do the results of an election they didn't happen to like?

you’ve all created a world where you can engage in as much hypocrisy as you can possibly cram into a day. And every time someone calls you out on it, you dismiss it as what about-ism.

That’s very very convenient for you all. And one reason why you’re about to get taken out to the woodshed in a few months.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 06-08-2022 at 08:00 AM..
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