Thread: $5 & $7
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Old 06-08-2022, 06:28 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman View Post
People are more concerned about what affects their day to day lives, they care about $5 a gallon gas and 10%+ inflation driving up the cost of every single thing they do in their everyday lives. They care more about shortages of baby formula. They care more about trying to keep their small businesses open. They care more about finding out a common sense way to curb gun violence.

All of this is more important than politicizing what a few hundred knuckleheads did 18 months ago.

it just shows how clueless some folks are about the average American


All of this is more important than politicizing what a few hundred knuckleheads did 18 months ago.

you really refuse to see Jan 6th for what it was .. it's amazing to see the level of denial and rationalisation of the event and its players .

For Some Americans ? when the price of gas concerns them more than People trying to Steal American Democracy We have become a Country's of individuals

the same people who claim it was a Just few hundred knuckleheads

Are the same people who think the Government controls the price of Oil control the production of baby formula , claim they care more about common sense gun laws

All while yelling less Government and demanding more Government in their next breath If National disaster impacts them or When they don't like the prices set by the private

Yet these private companies and their lobbyist who have bought congress which has allowed them to set up Law in a manner that benefit them and their shareholder and not not the consumer

So let's use your baby formula outrage as an example

Yes, 4 companies control a majority of the infant formula industry in the US

Part of the reason why there is a baby formula shortage in the U.S. right now is because of how the industry is set up and regulated.

And don't forgot this reason

Joe Biden continues to put America LAST by shipping pallets of baby formula to the southern border as American families face empty shelves."
Claimed by: Elise Stefanik

And I bet Elise Stefanik the 3rd ranking republican in the House also thinks Jan 6th was what a few hundred knuckleheads also she's another one who has embraced lies and outrage equals Votes

Because her constituents would not know the truth if it walked up to them and slapped them in the Face ... They live in a reality fashioned for them By the GOP. modeled after what the Russians do to their people to keep them in Line
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