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Old 05-31-2022, 10:10 AM   #11
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: vt
Posts: 13,069
Jim's been listening to Faux again, where he's heard Rafael Cruz complain about the liberalization of the coastal elites............

Cruz is a graduate of Princeton and Yale, a lawyer, a senator, the multimillionaire husband of a Goldman Sachs executive, who sends his kids to an exclusive school, but sure, let’s listen to him on ‘elites’!

And whether it's Cruz, Stefanik, Hawley, John Kennedy, or any of the countless other GOP privileged elites pretending they aren't, it's clear being a shameless, lying, opportunist willing to do and say anything is mandatory for success in the GOP. Principles are a liability.

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

Lets Go Darwin
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