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Old 05-29-2022, 12:04 PM   #16
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Last week the killer was in a building with one door and this week the cops were so scared of his weapon that they stood in the hall.
Chicago is over a bridge from a state with far looser gun laws and there’s plenty of states with higher gun deaths per capita than Illinois.

AR type firearms went from 400,000 in this country in 2004 when the assault rifle ban, that you claim did nothing, ended to 20 million today.

The US has 393 million guns in circulation (46% of all guns) or 121 firearms for every 100 residents.

Please explain how the remaining 7.4 billion people on the planet can live "FREE" with roughly the same number of guns. Aside from mass shootings, what other freedoms do we get?
I know you’ll miss the sarcasm
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pete those countries do t have more guns than people. we do. your facts are correct. and they are precisely why prospective gun laws won’t do

All you have to do, is look at places that enacted very strict gun laws, and see what the effects were.

the cops weren’t afraid as a group. you’re lying. you’re muting about this massacre if
kids, to attempt to win a political

The commander incorrectly decided it was not an active shooter, and followed the barricaded entrant protocol.

If you have evidence that cops stayed out because they were ll o sated, let’s see it.

if you don’t, then shame on you .
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