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Old 05-26-2022, 05:15 AM   #41
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
There can be some qualifications, but the default should be shall issue unless there is a reason not to.

It's a Mental Health AND a Culture Problem.

Doesn't work in Chicago.

RI did one thing sensible, they recently changed it to the town where you live runs the background check, not the town where the shop is.

Lots of stolen guns in Chicago but it is NEVER the criminal's fault.
no, it sure isn’t working in chicago.

We all need to get better at admitting what works, and expand in that. And admitting what doesn’t work, and either adjusting or doing away with what doesn’t work.

What Guiliani did in NY with gun violence not only worked, it was practically a miracle. But a lot of people won’t admit that, because they don’t like the party he’s in and that he likes Trump.

At the same time, some conservatives need to admit the 2a isn’t limitless. James Madison who wrote it, later banned firearms on campus at the university of VA when he was school president. Which means the guy who wrote it,,meant for the right to be limited. But again ,,if there are 400 million guns already out there, we need to concede that future gun control can at best have a limited impact because we aren’t confiscating them

We all need to set ideology aside, and just look at results honestly. It’s not hard.

and we need to admit that the constitution might be in the way of some things we’d like to do, and that’s ok.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
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