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Old 05-25-2022, 08:15 AM   #17
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Look at Killingly CT. They could have had a cost free mental health center at the high school but the board of Ed said no because of politics:

The controversial decision has been mired in politics. Those opposed to the mental health center have raised complaints and references more commonly heard from the political right: cancel culture, Hillary Clinton, abortion, gender identity. Some wonder if schools are the best place for mental health care.

Norm Ferron, who was elected the new chairman during the board’s April 13 meeting, said he voted against the school mental health center because he was concerned that kids might get counseling about “controversial topics.”

“Basically, what is a stranger to the parents can be advising their child on any issue,” he said. “They might be giving them counseling directly opposed to the views of the parents.”

The Killingly Board of Education is used to controversy. In recent months, it voted down a proposal to host a vaccine clinic at the school and rescinded the district’s mask policy with language that makes it harder to bring back. Many members ran on the promise that they would reinstate the school’s controversial mascot, the Redmen, which they did in 2020.

Let's not forget that Abbott also said that he was embarrassed that TX was only #2 in gun ownership.
One example of many. I could fill the internet with examples of liberals wanting to make it harder to commit the mentally ill. And many examples of liberals saying the nuclear family is anachronistic.

Both sides contribute to this Paul. I have no idea what happened in Killingly, and I also know there's no such thing as free, particularly when it comes to public education. I'd like to see a teachers union in this state agreeing to do anything for free. And I lived there, I know what I'm talking about.

Paul, if the GOP is all that's stopping us from solving this, please explain why the democrats controlling the white house and both chambers of Congress, haven't proposed a single thing in 18 months that would effect this? What's stopping them?

The GOP needs to be more flexible on guns, that's one part of this, probably a small part. The left needs to concede the benefits of the traditional nuclear family and old-fashioned family values (guns were available in the 1950s, but this stuff didn't happen like we see today, because our culture then was superior in some ways) and start encouraging it, rather than constantly attacking it. How many murderers come from families with a mom and a dad and a golden retriever in the house, where they go to church on Sundays, eat supper together most nights, and get involved in scouting and camping and fishing and all those healthy activities? I'd bet very, very few. So why not encourage those tings, rather than attack them constantly?

Blame all around.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 05-25-2022 at 08:27 AM..
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