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Old 05-25-2022, 03:55 AM   #12
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Join Date: Jun 2012
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Trump and Republicans claim He lost the election do to voter fraud mail in ballots and drop boxes

Republicans in red states changed voting laws as fast as they could even changing laws they passed the year prior..

Gun man kills 10 in buffalo

Gun man in Texas 19 children so far

Republicans and conservatives news sites. response

Democrats rushed to capitalize on the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, and attack Republicans.

yep Republicans are the victims more like the cause

Texans can carry handguns without a license. And People are generally authorized to openly carry long guns in Texas, although state law prohibits people from displaying a firearm in a public place in a “manner calculated to alarm.

So I am guessing Texans shouldn’t be alarmed with people carrying AR or an AK or a spas 12 in any public setting . Until they hear gun fire ?

Just me but some guns unless you have a collector’s license. And if you’re that committed to firing them on a range you’ll get the license

Most people have no need to own them.

They just want them it’s cool to tell your friends I’ve got an AR or an AK with a cool suppressor and look at my vest and helmet. This is as close to being in the military or Iraq I could find..

It’s nonsense
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
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