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Old 05-22-2022, 09:21 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
My sanity is fine, I’m worried about you and your fellow cult members.

Will it be fine if Trump escapes all the horrors you wish upon him? And if he gets re-elected? Do you have a name for this cult that you think I belong to?

Seeing as the leader of your party, a former president of the United States shared a social media post advocating or predicting civil war in the United States. No biggie.
I’m sure it was just a misunderstanding
Are you a member of a party? I thought your mission was to get rid of Trump, not to be a member or advocate of a party. Are you a Democrat? Is the Democrat Party your party? Do you support the militant predictions and advocations of leaders of that party like Schumer, Pelosi, Maxine Waters, AOC?

Your "advocating OR predicting" is a bit confusing. Which is it? Both? And does it mean that he wants to and will start a civil war if he gets elected, or will start one if he isn't? Many others have been predicting that we are heading toward a civil war. Even that it has already started, except for the shooting and killing. And that prediction was being made before Trump became President.

Are you conjecturing and insinuating again?
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