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Old 05-09-2022, 07:42 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster announces he will call a special session to immediately pass abortion criminalization without any exceptions.
Alabama GOP will ban abortion immediately following the Dobbs decision becoming official, with a law that does not currently contain any exceptions for rape or incest.
North Carolina GOP lawmakers will make it their main priority to pass full abortion criminalization in early 2023.
Idaho GOP openly discussing the idea of banning not only Plan B, but IUDs.
Alaska GOP rejects its own state court rulings on abortion, calls for a state constitutional convention to permanently criminalize abortion.
Kansas GOP leading a push to remove abortion protections guaranteed to Kansans by their state constitution.
Florida Sen. Lil Marco introducing federal legislation to punish private companies that provide travel benefits for women to obtain abortions in states where they are legal.
West Virginia leaving in place a 19th Century anti-abortion law that makes obtaining an abortion punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
Ohio GOP debating two trigger laws that would immediately ban abortion once Roe is overturned.
- Ohio GOP trying to reinstate a fetal heartbeat law stuck in the courts.
- Idaho passing a law authorizing civil lawsuits against abortion clinics/providers.
Arkansas GOP trigger law would make it a felony to obtain an abortion
- North Dakota GOP Gov. @KristiNoem pledges a special legislative session to pass new abortion restrictions
- Oklahoma GOP passes Texas-style abortion "Bounty Hunter" law
Missouri GOP debating bill to ban women from traveling out of state for abortions
- Louisiana GOP declaring life begins "at fertilization"
- Tennessee GOP law makes it a felony (with a $50K fine) to recieve abortion medication via mail
AZ Senate candidate calls for state bans on condoms
- TN Sen. MarshaBlackburn calls for contraception ban except for married couples
And last but not least, LeaderMcConnell floats a "possible" national abortion ban
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Hyperbole all just hyperbole
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