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Old 05-08-2022, 07:00 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Conservatives hate it when anyone points out this truth: Three of the five reportedly anti-Roe justices were named by a president who lost the popular vote by 2.9 million and were confirmed by senators representing a minority of the nation’s population.
Or that one of the vacancies was created by then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s blockade against Merrick Garland’s nomination in the final year of Barack Obama’s presidency. And then came McConnell’s reversal on the issue of letting an election happen before a justice was confirmed. He rushed Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination through in 2020 just days before the voters chose Joe Biden.

Just some facts
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the justices were no
instead by the man who won the 2016 election, and confirmed by a senate elected by the people.

elections have consequences. Obama said that, and everyone loved it. He was right.

the democrats flip flopped on this the same way. Biden first said a democrat senate should block Bush 41 from nominating someone. Then as VP, Biden flip flopped and said a president should be able to make an appointment late in his term.

Biden coined the Biden rule. If it was ok for him, please tell me why it was wrong for McConnell?

the american people gave senate control to the gop. they didn’t do that, because they wanted Scalia replaced with Garland.

Today, Biden is potus and the democrats have the senate, and he’s making all kinds of federal judicial appointments, including to scotus. Now it’s his turn. before, it was trumps turn

You can’t offer one syllable as to why it’s not legally sound to overturn Roe. Not one syllable. Have you read the draft?

This is a gift to your side, it will make the midterms less of a bloodbath.
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