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Old 05-06-2022, 10:03 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Why R v W is needed from someone who lived thru an example
Pre-Roe, I was 8 yrs old. I came home from school to find my Mom lying in a puddle of blood. She was weak & asked me to call a neighbor. She was miscarrying, but the embryo would not abort. For 48 hours, she bled while doctors transfused blood, waiting. Abortions were illegal.
My Father was required to bring my little sister & I to the hospital boardroom to prove to the board there were children to consider. I will never forget standing there, watching my Father get on his knees & BEG the board to save my Mother. The embryo was not viable, & yet, it was killing my Mom. I stood in that boardroom for hours, listening to a group of old men argue about saving a woman by removing an embryo. I didn't understand what they were saying except that my Mom was going to die if they voted against an abortion.
My Father was crying. this strong man, who I had always felt so safe with, was crying because he was helpless in saving my Mom. If you don't think that affects a child, you are SO WRONG I never forgot that scene. I had so many questions, & no one to explain.
72 hours after it began, the board voted to abort the embryo & save my Mom. 72 hours of no sleep for my Dad. 72 hours of not knowing if my Mom would live.
When Roe v Wade was decided I felt such a relief that no family member would ever have to go through the grief we went through.
2 years ago, my daughter had an ectopic pregnancy. It was attached to an artery & if it burst, she would bleed to death before she could make it to an ambulance. Because of Roe, her life was saved. She did not have 72 hours for doctors to "decide" if her life was worth
I have 5 granddaughters. I shudder to think if one of them has a pregnancy that endangers their lives, that they may not be saved. We CANNOT GO BACKWARDS!!
Do you know what actually saved my Mom's life? Our family doctor was Jewish. He threatened to leave the hospital if they were going to force their "Christian" values on this Jewish doctor. The Right-wing SCOTUS are #ChristianTaliban
The @GOP have whined about "Sharia Law" as a boogey man, when they are ACTUALLY trying to FORCE their own religious beliefs on Americans. What happened to separation of church & State?? Trust me, most of them will never make it to the Pearly Gates.

It was 60 years ago, but Monday night, when this story broke, I was 8 again, and had nightmares all night. That kind of trauma never leaves a child.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
If you think I have not lived through an example, how about this example--my father wanted to abort me, but my mother refused to get an abortion. Given my views, you might well wish my father had had his way.

Your example is a valid reason, as has been done, to exempt a law against abortion in the case of danger to the life of the mother. But abortions on demand for varieties of convenience rather than a threat to the life of the mother presents many problems against such abortions that go beyond Christianity. You've probably heard all the arguments. Maybe not. Maybe your horrific example was too traumatic to give them any credibility.
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