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Old 05-04-2022, 09:45 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"What comical is you actually think he is sincere in those believes"

Not sure how any human being could possibly conclude I believe he's sincere. In the post you replied to, I specifically said:

"Not saying he did it for noble reasons,"

So when I say that, you somehow conclude that I believe he's genuine? How?

You're either not very bright, or a liar. There simply isn't a third possibility. I specifically said, in a short sentence with very small words (8 words, 5 had only 1 syllable), that I question his intentions. And you believe I said the opposite.

Talking with you is a complete waste.

"He’s a con telling the gullible what they want to hear"

A con man makes promises, and then doesn't keep them. He delivered, he didn't just promise. Social conservatives have been asking for this for 50 years, and it took him to do it. Others promised to try, he did it.

Worth noting that liberals also asked for criminal justice reform for decades, and it also took Trump to do it. Obama had huge democratic majorities in congress for his first 2 years, he could have given liberals criminal justice reform in a day if he wanted to. Trump did it for them.
you really need to decide if your in the Trump cult or your Not .. your all over the map

So your now suggesting Trump made what conservatives wanted for 50 years by stealing a SCJ nomination from Obama and nominating 2 conservatives Judges who were against Row on moral grounds and their religion . not the Law . and lied in their confirmation hearing about it

I love your version of America could it get any more corrupt

FYI Trump’s criminal justice reform bill becomes persona non grata among GOPers

With rising crime and the approaching midterms, Republicans have moved far past the First Step Act.

Three-and-a-half years later, few Republicans — Trump included — seem not at all interested in talking about it.
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