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Old 04-15-2022, 10:45 AM   #157
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Feel free to google healthcare costs, results and immigrant populations in the top twenty countries.
The USA is consistently falling behind while increasing cost per capita
It’s not the “brown people”
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
It's not?

You're saying whites aren't generally healthier in the US, than blacks and Hispanics? Because if they are healthier, than it is indeed non-whites who keep the results from being better.

It's cultural. Liberalism keeps these people alive, but in horrific situations, and you almost have to believe it's blatantly intentional. Liberalism increases dependency on welfare, robs them of the innate desire to thrive, causes insane rates of fatherlessness, coddles drug users, etc...All kinds of negative health effects from that culture.
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