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Old 03-31-2022, 01:16 PM   #70
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
clearly you're not one of the honest people whom your claim clearly understand Biden ment chemical weapons

We will do the Same or in Kind Jim we will Attack the russians if they use chemical weapons ! However your in a fantasy world if you think Biden or Nato suggested they would use chemicals weapons as a response its not ours or natos to use chemicals so carelessly if at all

NATO Deputy-General Secretary Mircea Geoana said in an interview with The Associated Press that the group would respond if Russia used chemical or nuclear weapons in its war against Ukraine.

“NATO is a defensive alliance, but also it’s a nuclear alliance,” said Geoana, who is also the former Romanian foreign minister and ambassador to the United States. “If they will be using chemical weapons or other kinds of higher-end systems against Ukraine, this will be changing fundamentally the nature of the war that Mr. Putin has waged against Ukraine.”

“I can guarantee that NATO is ready to respond proportionately,
” Geoana added.

Looks like you never looked up regime Change

the replacement of one administration or government by another, especially by means of military force.

Biden said"Putin 'cannot remain in power'" and people drew their own conclusions ... and Biden responded" Biden: 'I make no apologies' for Putin comment ! I want to make it clear, I wasn't then nor am I now articulating a policy change."

Jim conservatives are just dishonest 24x7 before this comment Biden was weak on Putin he invade because of Bidens weakness BLA BALA BLA .. but now it OMG how could he say such a thing is he crazy

case in point

Many top hosts for Fox News and other conservative media voices are blaming the White House for supposedly enabling Russia’s attack on Ukraine — even some of the same personalities who previously ridiculed President Biden’s warnings that an invasion was imminent.

“It’s just extraordinary what this president has allowed our adversaries to do,” Fox Business Network anchor Maria Bartiromo told viewers Thursday morning, as reports of Russian incursions across Ukraine poured in. She argued that Biden “has not been tough enough on Russia” and, “so far, anything that this administration has said has been weak.”

But days earlier, Bartiromo had sounded confident the Biden administration was inflating the threat of Russian aggression to distract from bad political news at home —

Some Republicans in the Senate and House of Representatives blamed Biden for failing to deter Russian President Vladimir Putin from sending forces into Ukraine and called on the U.S. president to take a stronger position on the largest conflict in Europe since World War Two.

Republicans panned the remark, including Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio, who called the moment a "mistake."

“Well, first, I think all of us believe the world would be a better place without Vladimir Putin,” he said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “But second, that’s not the official U.S. policy, and by saying that, that regime change is our strategy,

These republicans already Knew regime change wasn't our strategy,

so how is saying I think all of us believe the world would be a better place without Vladimir Putin, is different than Putin cannot remain in power'

When Trump was in office His Trump’s favorite tools was hyperbole and exaggeration and his supporters Cheered

But with Biden everything is taken literally like President Biden pledging to “cure” cancer... and the right screams how arrogant
"your in a fantasy world if you think Biden or Nato suggested they would use chemicals weapons "

No, you're in a fantasy world if you don't think that's precisely what he suggested. You are denying what "in kind" means.

I agree with you, he didn't mean to say it. I know we'd never use chemical weapons. But he said we would. That's what "in kind" means.

"NATO Deputy-General Secretary Mircea Geoana said"

We're talking about what President Biden said...

"Jim conservatives are just dishonest 24x7".

That's rich, coming from you. Are you EVER going to tell us why you called Desantis' bill the "don't say gay" bill, when it applies exactly identically to heterosexuality and homosexuality? Can't you just admit you got it wrong?

"but now it OMG how could he say such a thing is he crazy"

ye she is. In the span of a fgew days, he said Putin cannot remain in power, he said we'd respond with chemical weapons if Russia used them, and he said the 82nd Airborne was going to Ukraine. All in a few days time.

There's a reason why he's polling where he is. And it's not just the diehard conservatives. He's tanking with independents badly, and losing big ground with Hispanics.

Keep talking about transgender issues, that'll help.
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