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Old 03-29-2022, 08:06 AM   #8
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
You proved my point ! Thank you

So because you claim “It had no chance of ever succeeding, because it wasn't a serious challenge to the election. “.

It not a coup attempt and no big deal. ! Not sure how to read what you wrote another way

Everything the left does is OK, everything the right does is wrong, we get it!

Clearly you don’t get it …. There’s only 1 party willing to steal overturn an election ..who’s supporters stand by their attempts

Your love for false equivalence’s has no equal

US election 2016: Trump says election 'rigged at polling places'

Yet he won

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Here are my exact words from my previous post...

"If Trump and a small handful of the January 6 rioters were involved in a premeditated plot, show me the evidence and punish them accordingly."

SOMEHOW, from that, you claim that I said "It not a coup attempt and no big deal."

"Not sure how to read what you wrote another way "

You could start by taking an elementary school course in reading comprehension. Ask any average 5 year-old how to read what I wrote, and they'll tell you how to correctly interpret it.

You cannot accurately process anything which deviates from your militant liberalism.

I asked you why you had no concerns about congressional democrats claiming in 2016 that Trump stole the election from Hilary. All you can do is yammer about a "false equivalency", and of course you provide exactly zero evidence as to why the two situations aren't comparable.

In 2016, a very small number of congressional democrats hated the election outcome so much, that they tried to overturn it, based on fabricated claims of election fraud. That doesn't sound an awful lot like what you attack Republicans for doing?

Every single comparison which paints democrats in a negative light, you’ve said was a false equivalency. not one time, not once, could you admit that the left did anything wrong.

do you have any idea how completely predictable you are?

Last edited by Jim in CT; 03-29-2022 at 08:28 AM..
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