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Old 03-11-2022, 01:40 PM   #74
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
How's that wall working? It wasn't magic, was it?
It seems that you think if there is a problem, everything should stop and we can only work on one resolution.
But as you have repeatedly said, more than one thing can be true at the same time.
We can work towards being less reliant on fossil fuels AND do what we can to reduce current pricing.
We cannot instantly drill wells, move crude to refineries and refine it.
Perhaps you would like this administration to impose price controls?

Unfortunately the shutdown of the oil industry due to lack of demand due to covid created a lag in supply, those lags always take time to resolve themselves.

If we had done more to reduce fossil fuel reliance over the past 40 years, we and the rest of the developed world would currently have far less of an issue with Russia, the Saudis and other oil enabled dictators.
"It seems that you think if there is a problem, everything should stop and we can only work on one resolution."

Never came close to saying that, can't imagine how you could possibly conclude that.

Pursue green energy, invest in it. At the same time, look at nuclear plants to provide electricity, and figure out how to safely get every drop of oil out from American soil.

Not rocket science.

"We can work towards being less reliant on fossil fuels AND do what we can to reduce current pricing"

Which is obviously, exactly what I have been saying.

There's all the incentive in the world to achieve more reliance on renewables. People who succeed in that space, will be the richest people who ever lived. No further incentive needed. It's not that we aren't pursuing it. It's just not simple.

."Unfortunately the shutdown of the oil industry due to lack of demand due to covid created a lag in supply, those lags always take time to resolve themselves."

I'm not sure that's true. Opec doesn't have a lot of trouble increasing supply.
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