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Old 03-07-2022, 04:39 PM   #24
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
And Jim blows right by

13.9 million acres in total—are not yet being used to produce oil or gas.

Jim once again big oil is lying to YOU and so is fox news

The only people refusing to pump more oil are oil companies

In Jan 2016 us fields pumped 9200 barrels 2017 8800 2018 9996
2019 11848. 2020 12750. 2021. 11056

This is just January the totals change around a 1000 barrels a day give or Take facts suck
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
I didn't blow by a single thing. You're the one who can't say out loud that when he first took office, Biden promised no new leases.

It's a speculative marketplace.

Again, it was beyond obvious oil would soar under this administration. Even before any talk of Russia in Ukraine, it was soaring. Part of that, not all but part, is because Biden wanted progressives to believe he was sufficiently green.

The great thing is, in November we get to see if Americans believe your story or mine.

US production is down since Biden took office. He contributed to that. I'm sorry if that fact doesn't serve your individual political agenda.

And you ignored the NPR article I posted, because again, it didn't serve your agenda.

Now in addition to oil, the market is correcting. Again, we have been long overdue for a correction, but there's probably a reason why it's happening now. Many bad things are happening now. Are ANY of them Biden's fault?

Last edited by Jim in CT; 03-07-2022 at 04:44 PM..
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