Thread: Trump
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Old 02-24-2022, 05:23 PM   #977
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Your the POS who constantly says I used the word w/o stating the context but had no problem when I first used the word yet you constantly mock Biden and say he has dementia and is an imbecile.

So you can call people imbecile but my even saying retard is wrong? Do I have that right?
I don't especially care what language anyone uses we're all adults, sticks and stones...

You are the one who uses offensive language and simultaneously lectures me about civility. The only time i bring up offensive language, is when somehow you feel entitled to lecture anyone on being polite. Look at how you talk to me, Dangles, TDF. Again, I could care less, I just don't feel like hearing lectures about civility from a glaring hypocrite on the matter.

You've never once that I've seen, called out Pete for the language he uses. You specifically and explicitly said you don't care.

Why? Because everything is OK to you when democrats do it.

And that r word is in a special category. You want to use it as a derogatory term for people you don't like, hey it's a free country. But perhaps drop the holier than thou attitude.

If you want to call for civility, I respect that. If you want to talk like Archie Bunker, fine. You can't talk like Archie Bunker and call for civility. Doesn't work that way.
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