Thread: Ukraine
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Old 02-20-2022, 09:31 AM   #148
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
then the Jew hating anti semitic bigotry of Talib and Omar speak for all democrats. and the few who despise cops. And Hank Johnson being so completely stupid, that he was worried Guam was going to tip over if we built a base there.

if a small number of republican jerks represent the entire GOP, will you concede that a small number of liberal jerks speak for the entire democrat party? or do you apply that logic only when it suits you?

Biden said republicans want to put blacks in chains, has a rape allegation against him, said obama
was the first clean looking black he has seen ( something like that), he’s a plagiarist, he lied about getting arrested with Nelson Mandela, lied about driving an 18 wheeler, and his son obviously got wealthy by trading on daddys influence.

Rep Eric Swalwell was having an affair with a chinese spy.

using your logic, does all that represent you? or are you trying to have it both ways?
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When. You have no response you start regurgitating your usual talking points

British PM Johnson: Russia Planning Biggest War in Europe Since 1945

More fear mongering Right

Jim this is your problem you believe
The Dems you listed speak for the party because thats how you’ve been told to believe

The Republicans you claim don’t represent the GOP . Do ! Not because I think it’s True . But actual polling says they are the new flag bearers of the GOP

30% of GOP voters view Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene favorably, up 11 points since last week.

Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, the No. 3 House Republican, is liked by 22% of Republicans

59% of voters nationwide have an opinion of Greene, matching prominence of Cheney and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.).

prominence what a way to describe Greene’s standing in the GOP

Even Dan Crenshaw in Trouble from his own far right GOP base
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