Thread: Durham report
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Old 02-18-2022, 09:18 AM   #9
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Jim like I said you Are a 1 trick Fox pony you need to read other sources other than the ones telling you what you want to hear

Thus far, Durham has not charged anyone with spying on Trump. how can that be if it happened

The FBI investigated Sussmann’s tip but concluded that it was not suspicious at all. The indictment said agents found that the computer in question “was not owned or operated by the Trump Organization,

In a later filing in October, Durham appeared to acknowledge that he did not have evidence that Sussmann ever spoke directly to the Clinton campaign about Alfa Bank.

have fun explaining how everyone's lying
"Thus far, Durham has not charged anyone with spying on Trump."

Hes. Not. Done.

He submitted a report last weekend, which supposedly showed that Hilarys lawyers hired people to hack into Trumps servers when he was running, and even White House servers after Trump was president.

I have 2 very simple questions...

(1) do you have concrete evidence that this spying never happened, that Durham is lying?

(2) if Durham is correct and that happened, is it a big deal?

You're dismissing this all as a waste, when he's just getting started. It may well turn out to be a waste, and if it is, I'll be the first one to say it.

But IF Hilarys lawyers paid tech experts to spy on Trump, I think most Americans would find that a huge deal. You'll all dismiss it, but most people won't.

You aren't capable of admitting flaws in democrats, or virtue in Republicans.
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