Thread: Durham report
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Old 02-16-2022, 03:01 PM   #141
Got Stripers
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
this post is about the Durham report. Not about the topic of zilch. I didn’t pivot to Hilary. It’s about what her campaign did at the origins of the Russia hoax,

Why didn’t she just say “read my lips, we had nothing to do with it”?

Man oh man are you scared. IHilarys almost certainly not running again, she’s yesterday’s news, like Trump hopefully is. So why are you so desperate to ensure that the probe shows nothing?

I don’t know anything about Durham
except he was the one they specifically sent in to clean up Boston when Whitey Bulger was running things. I do know that a brutal and painstaking prosecutor, would do exactly what he’s doing.

I also know that unlike the Mueller probe, Durham isn’t leaking findings daily to friendly media. I honestly had no idea he was still investigating.

We also all know the difference in how the media covered the two investigations. The whole
media said Trumpmwas guilty, and now the same folks are ignoring everything about the Durham
probe, except to say it’s. politically motivated witch hunt.

I’ll just wait and see. I can happily accept any outcome.

Can you? Nope.

Durhams released findings apparently show that Hilarys lawyers hired tech people
to spy on Trump when he was a candidate, and even when he was POTUS.

Hilary refused to answer when asked about it.

That ain’t nothing. It’s sort of the current technological equivalent of Watergate. Isn’t it? Hacking into Trumps servers?
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Boy are you guys (you in particular) predictable, heat on Trump escalates as new revelations come out on multiple fronts and Fox and the other right wing media outlets, decide it's time to change the narrative to Hilary and the Durham report. When they flip the narrative, its only a matter of hours before this board sees the same narrative. Crazy Rudy now claims to have tons of evidence against Hilary in his bedroom and has had if for years, oh I can't wait to see what that conspiracy theory turns into?

You of course are always complaining we who respond to your posts always seem to turn it around to Trump, gee wiz mr. wizard wonder why that is, could it be it's a political forum and the GOP is the party or should I say cult of Trump now. It's amazing that the GOP can run in 2016 without any platform and when asked what that might be in 2020 or the upcoming midterms, the response is we will tell you when we regain the power.

Hilary isn't running again and if she or her employees broke the law and it can be PROVEN, then have at her. Trump on the other hand should he run out the clock on getting charged may run again and that is why we keep bringing him up. Maybe you are ok with the results justifying the means, personally I think he is the worst example of a human being or governor, his policies are geared towards helping the upper crust, he is one dangerous MF on foreign policy and he would love to be nothing but king for as long as he can hold the throne. He would be the worst possible result for the entire globe and I can't imagine how bad the result would be.

The economy and jobs are doing well, no thanks to a single boot licking republican as they voted for nothing they weren't forced into knowing if they didn't it would really hurt them politically. It will be interesting as spring comes and covid dies down to see what happens, the fly in the ointment of course now is Trumps man crush Putin. If Trump were asked today if he thought Russia would invade, his response would be just like his answer on Russia interfering in our elections; no Putin said he won't invade and I believe him.
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