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Old 02-04-2022, 07:06 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
So, what are the conservative winning issues that you have faith in? Everything Trump Touchs Dies

That's a conservative issue? A "winning issue"? So a "Conservative" candidate running on the "issue" that everything Trump Touches Dies, that the covid vaccines died, would be the ticket to getting elected?

Orwell said, “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

You should try Orwell's revolutionary act instead of telling lies, half truths, and deceptions in order to destroy Trump. You fit well with the time of deceit.

The GOP is censuring Cheney and Kinzinger for one reason: They’re telling the truth about the party and Donald Trump's attempt to overturn an American election. And the GOP wants to shut them up.

The GOP differs with you about the reasons to censure Cheney and Kinzinger. They explain it in their censure resolution, none of which comports with your accusation. And the censure will not "shut up" Cheney and Kinzinger as you claim. Here is the reasoning in their own words contrary to your deceitful insinuation about "the truth":

The primary mission of the Republican Party is to elect Republicans who support the United States Constitution and share our values;

The Biden Administration and Democrats in Congress have embarked on a systematic effort to replace liberty with socialism; eliminate border security in favor of lawless, open borders; create record inflation designed to steal the American dream from our children and
grandchildren; neuter our national defense and a peace through strength foreign policy; replace President Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” with incompetence and illegal mandates; and destroy
America’s economy with the Green New Deal;

Winning back the majority in Congress, including the United States House of Representatives, in 2022 must be the primary goal of the House Republican Conference (“Conference”) and requires all Republicans working together to accomplish the same;

The Conference must design the strategy to stop the radical Biden agenda and retire Nancy Pelosi, tasks which require that all Republicans pull in the same direction;

The Conference must not be sabotaged by Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger who have demonstrated, with actions and words, that they support Democrat efforts to destroy President Trump more than they support winning back a Republican majority in 2022;

Representatives Cheney and Kinzinger have engaged in actions in their positions as members of the January 6th Select Committee not befitting Republican members of Congress, which include the Committee’s disregard for minority rights, traditional checks and balances, due process, and adherence to other precedent and rules of the U.S. House and which seem intent on advancing a political agenda to buoy the Democrat Party’s bleak prospects in the upcoming
midterm elections;

Congressional Republicans bear ultimate responsibility for their own success or failure and the RNC supports their efforts by denouncing those who deliberately jeopardize victory in November on which the future of our constitutional republic depends at this critical
moment in history;

Representatives Cheney and Kinzinger purport to be members of the Republican Party; and Representatives Cheney and Kinzinger are participating in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse, and they are both
utilizing their past professed political affiliation to mask Democrat abuse of prosecutorial power for partisan purposes

To be clear, apparently Ronna's not calling the actual violent attack on the U.S. Capitol "legitimate political discourse" — she's just calling the preceding conspiracy to overturn the election, seize voting machines and execute a coup "legitimate political discourse."

No, you're lying again. She referred specifically to the "Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse" on Jan6.

As far as just tourists caught up in misdemeanors

Didn't watch the video, but you're overplaying the "tourists" bit. Very deceitful.
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