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Old 02-01-2022, 10:08 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
you posted the same exact quote I did, with no additional context. None.

And i’m not sure how anyone can pretend that’s not textbook bigotry.

she said explicitly, that being hispanic and female allows one to acquire more wisdom than a white man can acquire. Because our experience is inferior.

I notice being a female latina ( and all the inherent wisdom contained therein) didn’t prevent her from making a fool of herself when she said there were many more kids hospitalized with covid than actually are.

Nor did all that wisdom prevent her from being unanimously overturned by SCOTUS when she was a lower judge.

When Ginsberg and Scalia and everyone in between says you were wrong in the law, that means you were really wrong. Doesn’t it?

She’s not bigoted! She just thinks female Latinas are more wise than white men. That’s not bigoted at all!
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Now it’s my job to make your case?

Again your just upset a brown person called out Bias

Basically saying Try walking in my shoes before YOU Aka WHITE DUDE . Tells me how easy it was or how I should have walked

The line was almost identical every time:

"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion."

That sentence, or a similar one, has appeared in speeches Sotomayor delivered in 1994, 1999, 2002, 2004 and 2001. In that speech, she included the phrase "than a white male who hasn't lived that life" at the end, which sparked cries of racism from some Republicans.

Look at that what a shocker cries of racism from some Republicans

How that for context Jim and Scott

You 2 are like a moths to the flame
parroting Republicans talking point wash rinse and repeat
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