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Old 01-31-2022, 02:58 PM   #36
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
2 years On the Seventh Circuit, Barrett wrote 79 majority opinions

Barrett is a 48-year-old federal appeals court judge favored by social conservatives and the religious right.

But Jim wants us to think Trump picked her because she was the best for the Job
How many of Barrett's 79 majority opinions, were overturned by a higher court? That's a sincere question...

Sotomayor has repeatedly been overturned by the Supreme Court, when she was a lower justice. Once, she was overturned unanimously. That means everyone from Scalia to Ginsburg, and everyone in between, said she was wrong on the law. Which kind of means she wasn't great at being a lower court judge, doesn't it?.

Sotomayor also said that female hispanics make better judges than anyone else. That's what she said.

Oh, there were sleazy reasons why Trump picked Barrett. He knew a woman would drive the liberals bonkers and when they attacked her, it would show the world that they don't really care about women like they claim they do.
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