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Old 01-31-2022, 01:59 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
got through days of questioning, often without having to take notes. WOW so that qualifies you to be a SCJ Dianne Feinstein, who single handedly led the with hunt against Kavanaugh, was repeatedly impressed by her.

Got a full scholarship to Notre Dame law and taught there. Has taught at ND and at University of Virginia, which is a great school. Sotomayor entered Princeton University on a full scholarship do you have a point

Character? She adopted two children from Haiti, and is raising a kid with Downs, we all know what your side does to those kids. has nothing to do with her qualifications

Unlike Sotomayor, Barrett doesn't have a history of getting unanimously overturned by higher courts, nor has Barrettt ever said that judges of her race and gender make better judges (which is what Sotomayor once claimed). jim again do you do any research or are just a parrot Over her ten years on the Second Circuit, Sotomayor heard appeals in more than 3,000 cases and wrote about 380 opinions when she was in the majority.[13] The Supreme Court reviewed five of those, reversing three and affirming two[13]—not high numbers for an appellate judge of that many years[18] and a typical percentage of reversals.[113]

2 years On the Seventh Circuit, Barrett wrote 79 majority opinions

Barrett is a 48-year-old federal appeals court judge favored by social conservatives and the religious right.

But Jim wants us to think Trump picked her because she was the best for the Job
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