Thread: Trump
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Old 01-06-2022, 01:17 PM   #420
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
She was talking about the people who were purged from voting roles - not the vote on election day. But you knew that bc you have been told that repeatedly. So that is one compared to what 70% of the R party?
"You're the Kool aid drinker who thinks people are only moving bc of politics and you say it here constantly. "

I don't think I've said that once. I think you're hearing voices. It's not just for politics. OK? It's not just for politics.

If it was just weather, why wouldn't they move to southern California? How come none of you will ever answer that simple question?

People move for many reasons. But the general trend, is moving from blue states to red states. Blue states are very, very expensive. Red states generally aren't. That's a function of politics. Liberals like big government, which is expensive.

"Are you saying that the protesters were all Ds? "

I don't know which riots you are referring to. In the summer of 2020, the rioters were almost all Ds. On January 6th, the rioters were almost all Rs. Fair enough? Anything crazy there?

"There were many, many millions of peaceful protestors last summer and I bet the % of people causing trouble was less than the % on 1/6."

That's a wild guess. What's not a guess, is that the January 6 riots resulted in many less deaths (precisely zero caused by the rioters) and in far less property damage, than the summer 2020 riots. Is that true, or is that false?

"that shows how many on the right care about social justice - NONE."


Paul, most republicans condemn what happened on 1/6, most liberals won't condemn the summer 2020 riots.

"She was talking about the people who were purged from voting roles"

Every single one of whom, was eligible to vote if they showed up with id. The data shows that turnout in that election was historically high. "High turnout" means lots of voters. And she lost.

From the USA Today, which is liberal, and I quote...

"the holds would not have stopped those Georgians from voting. All the person had to do is show up with their photo ID, which everyone has to have, and they would've been allowed to vote," he said

What else ya got, Paul?

"So that is one compared to what 70% of the R party?"

Have you seen a poll that shows what % of democrats think Abrams' election was stolen? I haven't. So I don't know which party has a higher % or folks who believe without facts, that an election they lost, was stolen.
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