Thread: Ukraine
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Old 12-26-2021, 05:32 PM   #10
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Is it possible, as some are saying, that Russia doesn't need to nor has the desire to invade Ukraine? That the conflict is not really between Ukraine and Russia, but between Ukraine and two of its territories, Donetsk and Luhansk. That those two have been trying to negotiate its disputes, as required per the Minsk accords, with Ukraine, but Ukraine is not relenting. And that Russia has been asking Biden to intervene and convince Ukraine to settle its internal problems, but no US intervention has occurred, so Donetsk and Luhansk are threatening to break away from the Unkrainian federation and asking Russia to accept them. And Russia is saying OK. So Russia doesn't have to invade. Just sit back and take them. It may show troops at the border to signal that it will back the breakaway regions.

Any opinions on that?
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