Thread: Ukraine
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Old 12-26-2021, 10:01 AM   #19
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I’ve done a search with Rachel maddow January 6th the greatest threat to American Democracy since the Civil War

All I found was

Right-wing erupts after Biden declares Jan. 6 “worst attack on democracy since Civil War"
One right-wing website angrily "fact-checked" the claim as "false"

Biden ripped for calling Capitol riots ‘worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War

And as if on cue the right can’t accept the truth and this is how they respond.. with their hero Glenn Greenwald .. he is a local favorite of some here

January 6 was worse than 9/11? Or Pearl Harbor?” prominent journalist Glenn Greenwald asked of the president’s claim to Congress Wednesday night used as apparent proof that he was leading the US out of crisis.

“Or the Oklahoma City bombing? Or the dismantling of civil liberties in the name of the Cold War and War on Terror?

“Or the mass surveillance program secretly and illegally implemented by NSA aimed at US citizens?” continued Greenwald, referring to the Edward Snowden expose of government documents he first reported.

“How about the War on Drugs, mass incarceration and Jim Crow? Were those worse ‘attacks on democracy’ than the 3-hour Capitol riot on Jan. 6?

Seems mr Greenwald missed the point! of all that he mentioned the civil war was started by other Americans against the United States of American , and what happened on Jan 6th was an attack by Americans against the United States of American ! In an attempt change an election with the express support and coordination and cooperation of the former POTUS some in his administration and sitting members of Congress ..

All whom refuse to testify or have filed lawsuits against the Jan 6th commission…. To obstruct their findings …. America 1st my arse

Even President Donald Trump said: "If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?".
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