Thread: Ukraine
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Old 12-23-2021, 09:46 AM   #4
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Putin smells weakness in Washington, Europe, and Ukraine. There’s never been a better time to reclaim his “historic lands.” Will we let him?

Read The Whole article and saw nothing on their suggestion on how we won’t let Him. Except For the mention of moving Troops into Poland?

Putin knows NATO won’t respond with military force or we already would have moved Troops and equipment already

so what the answer to stop him if he wants. Force ? I know many conservatives think so , it’s that masculinity thing , but the Article levels out the previous administration. Putin didn’t start and plan this build up since January

I honestly think Putin was going to invade even if Trump won the election. due to Trump losing the election and with that lost went his free pass . He never Feared Trumps reaction. But now a NATO under a unified front he had to change gears . Being out of Afghanistan has only improved the US and NATO position to re deploy Troops and equipment…. And we have not treaty obligations with Ukraine

And yet Republicans and right media are beating the war drums and calling the new administration weak? But they praised Trump at ever turn for him not starting a new war! Trump was the first president since Ronald Reagan to not wage a new war. Kiss ass Pence made some very powerful claims. "I’m proud to report with just a few days left in our Administration, our Administration is the first in decades that did not get America into a new war. That’s Peace through Strength,"
Guess war against American voter don’t count

Here is a different opinion piece

We don’t need any conspiratorial analysis of Trump’s links with Russia to make this case. We just need look at the facts. Trump has been sympathetic to Putin in public statements for nearly a decade. As for Ukraine, Trump was so heedless of its security that he conditioned U.S. military aid on political favors in the famous 2019 phone call that resulted in his first impeachment.

The record of Trump’s fawning comments is embarrassingly long. In March 2014, he tweeted: “I believe Putin will continue to re-build the Russian Empire.” In August 2015, he told Fox News: “Frankly, I’d get along great with him.” In April 2016, he enthused: “We’re going to have a great relationship with Putin and Russia.” Most egregiously, Trump encouraged Russia’s meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. (“Russia, if you’re listening …”) Even after the U.S. intelligence community presented him with hard intelligence about Russia’s sabotage in January 2017, Trump publicly minimized it.
At the Helsinki summit in 2018, Trump actually took Putin’s side on the election-meddling issue — over that of his intelligence advisers. (“I have President Putin; he just said it’s not Russia. I will say this: I don’t see any reason why it would be.”) Daniel Coats, then director of national intelligence, rebuffed Trump.

Trump supporters blame Biden for making Putin think America is in retreat. There’s no question that the world is worried about U.S. resolve after the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal, but in the Ukraine crisis Biden has behaved with the right mix of firmness and diplomacy.
Putin and Trump share the same playbook. Defy and disrupt; plead innocence when confronted; negotiate through intimidation. They act like pro wrestlers with fake theatrical bluster, but the danger is all too real. The rule of law is a noble concept, but it needs to be enforced.

Last edited by wdmso; 12-23-2021 at 10:12 AM..
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