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Old 12-09-2021, 11:01 AM   #19
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Some take always from Jims research

Jim suggests Republicans distrust in Government come from the same well as blacks distrust of the government when in comes to health care

Jim claimed there’s zero institutional racism in healthcare today.

Jim you injected racism into the argument not I …. I re read what I post which was

Hesitancy for white conservatives, he said, hinges on “distrust of government,” while for Hispanic and Black residents it’s often a “lack of trust in the health care system” because of generations of disparities in the American system.

Racism wasn’t even mentioned your CRT brain injected the idea then you tried to make it about private health insurance ?

blacks are disproportionately less likely to have jobs that offer health insurance

Seems you can’t stay on topic you double down on the same old position over and over , it’s your go to response in defending conservatives? But but black this or black that!

And even after seeing study after study regarding lack of Medicare expansion in states with the highest affected population and other impediments you pivot again

and like good conservative you blame liberalism and black fathers and all the usual suspects I assume for the low vaccines rates

I get many different responses in my google search but none are 1 dimensional on this topic of lower vaccines rates in blacks and others

African Americans do not have the lowest vaccination rate in the state of California

or I get a yahoo reprint of a Washington examiner story The same article claims one thing then admits full up to date statistics are not available! Then they go on to say that access to the shots is a greater barrier for black people. Measures of vaccine hesitancy by racial groups overlook barriers to access, Can you believe that.

In the United States, black people have the lowest vaccination rates of any racial or ethnic group. Although full up-to-date statistics are not available, data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that the share of black people who are vaccinated is about 6 to 7 percentage points lower than that of white or Hispanic people and 10 percentage points lower than that of Asians. The CDC's breakdown by demographic, though, reflects less than 70% of all shots administered since December 2020.

Vaccine hesitancy rates in black and white people are similar, NPR/Marist Polling shows — 25% and 28% respectively, suggesting that access to the shots is a greater barrier for black people. Measures of vaccine hesitancy by racial groups overlook barriers to access, Benjamin said, such as hardship taking time away from work to get the shots, as well as other "structural things that disproportionately get in the way of communities of color being vaccinated."

Or other articles speaking about the vaccine roll out failures

Black Americans are receiving covid vaccinations at dramatically lower rates than white Americans in the first weeks of the chaotic rollout, according to a new KHN analysis. Access issues and mistrust rooted in structural racism appear to be the major factors leaving Black health care workers behind in the quest to vaccinate the nation. The unbalanced uptake among what might seem like a relatively easy-to-vaccinate workforce doesn’t bode well for the rest of the country’s dispersed population.

Vaccination rates lag in communities of color, but it's not only due to hesitancy, experts say

Here’s an interesting site

so to recap conservatives vaccines hesitated people and black vaccines hesitated people their hesitation is not
"Jim suggests Republicans distrust in Government come from the same well as blacks distrust of the government when in comes to health care"

You said the blacks distrust was in healthcare, not in government. I responded to that.

I view "government" (distrust in which might be the reason why so many Republicans are unvaccinated) and "healthcare industry" (which you said blacks don't trust) as different things.

Wayne, I know you only have experience in the public sector, and you are very ignorant about everything else. But are you telling me, you see no difference between "government", and the CVS employee who gives covid vaccinations? What reason to blacks have in 2021, to not trust the person at the local pharmacy to give them a covid vaccine?

Now, you're denying you brought racism into it, when you said blacks are right not to trust healthcare because of historical inequities? That's not injecting racism into it?

Wayne: "Blacks have a valid reason not to trust healthcare, because of inequities in healthcare. But I'm not saying there's racism in healthcare."

Today, in 2021, people have WAY more reason to be skeptical of the governments response to covid (my God, what hasn't the government been wrong on? They said "two weeks to flatten the curve) than blacks have reason to be skeptical of getting a vaccine at the local pharmacy. It's irrefutable fact that the government has been wrong again, and again, and again. Why would anyone NOT be skeptical of the government at this point? Is there a single point on which Faucci hasn't flip-flopped multiple times? How many examples are there of government leaders telling us to make sacrifices that they clearly aren't willing to make themselves? How many government leaders have violated their own rules on masks and distancing?

The private sector (including healthcare), on the other hand, has practically been miraculous. Helping sick people, generating testing quickly, generating the vaccine quickly, etc. There is ZERO evidence that the healthcare industry is using the vaccine to harm blacks.

I dare you to make that wrong. Show us ANY evidence that the "healthcare industry" is doing anything based on race.

"blacks are disproportionately less likely to have jobs that offer health insurance"

That's what I said. And then you immediately claimed that I said that all jobs offer health insurance.

Youre not up for this.
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