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Old 12-09-2021, 08:33 AM   #16
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Fourteen states have refused to expand Medicaid under the ACA, which is one of the reasons why people of color are disproportionately likely to be uninsured today. This includes some of the states with the largest populations of Black Americans.
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That's an issue with the people running the states. It's not caused by the healthcare industry. The state legislature votes on things like that, not healthcare providers.

There are serious economic inequities by race, and that applies to healthcare. But the fact that fewer blacks have health insurance, isn't "caused" by the healthcare industry. Doctors, nurses, and health insurance companies are not the reason why fewer blacks have insurance.

You want blacks to do better? The data is crystal clear, it could not be more clear, it's simple, common sense...

encourage the black community to reduce fatherlessness, to emphasize school, to encourage strong families, allow school choice for families stuck in lousy cities.

People who embrace these things, do just fine (did you know Asians, not whites, have the highest average incomes? It's because they believe in strong families, they view education as a gift from God, and because they work their fingers to the bone so that their children can go to medical school.

Liberalism never stops undermining traditional family values, liberal policy gives big financial incentives for teenage girls to keep having babies out of wedlock, liberals oppose school choice.

Liberals do everything they can to undermine the exact policies that we know lift people out of poverty. Then, they act shocked when the people they cripple with liberalism, don't all climb out of poverty.

Its not complicated, and the results are right there in front of our eyes.

Family. Faith. Work ethic. Study and work hard. That's how you avoid poverty. Liberals just want to throw money at it, and that does very very little to solve poverty. Lack of money isn't the cause of poverty, it's the symptom. Liberalsim is like giving aspirin to someone with a headache caused by a brain tumor. It might make you feel better for a very short time, but it completely fails to address the actual problem.
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