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Old 12-06-2021, 09:44 AM   #15
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Blacks 13% of the population whites 76%

Ps not all blacks are liberals nor are whites and not all liberal are pro vaccines and not all Republicans are anti vaccine

But these studies are clear Republicans are unvaccinated based mainly misinformation

Inside the growing alliance between anti-vaccine activists and pro-Trump Republicans

Bigtree has been banned from social media platforms like YouTube for making false claims about the dangers of COVID vaccines. But as the pandemic has dragged on, his conservative audience keeps growing. Often he speaks at conferences alongside people who claim the election was rigged, and promoters of QAnon conspiracy theories.
So I suggest again Jim you focus on the Truth if you throw a rock into a group of the unvaccinated or anti Abortion you have the highest statistical likelihood to hit a Republican . Not a Black person or some one with PHD .. and if you did hit some one in the other group even they would more likely be Republicans

Just give up the evidence is overwhelming

Nearly 40% of Republicans are still hesitant about getting the Covid-19 vaccine or refuse to get it,

There is good news the trend to get vaccinated has shifted a bit
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
"I know it’s the same your brain"

I didn't say there are more blacks than whites. I said blacks have low vaccination rates. In fact, they have the lowest vaccination rates of any race in the US.

Why is that? Maybe they are listening to what Kamala Harris said.

"Republicans are unvaccinated based mainly misinformation "

OK. Since you seem to know why different groups are unvaccinated, please explain why blacks are unvaccinated? You can't blame Trump, because he's telling people to get vaccinated.

You insult unvaccinated Republicans for being misinformed. Fine. Tell us why blacks are also rejecting the vaccine?

Unless there's a reason (political, perhaps?) that you are too scared to address that point.

"Bigtree has been banned from social media platforms"

I have never heard of Bigtree. Not exactly as influential as Rush Limbaugh.

"and if you did hit some one in the other group even they would more likely be Republicans "

You're saying unvaccinated blacks are Republicans? Look at the data I posted. As of December 2, only 36% of blacks were fully vaccinated. Therefore, 64% of blacks have not been vaccinated. You think that many blacks are Republican? Is that what you are saying?

Please post SOME DATA, ANY DATA, to support your theory that unvaccinated blacks are mostly Republicans. I would really, really enjoy seeing that data.

Bigtree. I love it. Bigtree speaks for the entire GOP.
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