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Old 12-03-2021, 06:21 PM   #22
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
She’s such a weasel
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
She's like Trump, a sore loser who can't admit she lost fair and square, and someone capable of telling dangerous, obvious lies.

We are a a point where they deny video evidence. Stacey Abrams is not denying she feels the election was stolen, but WDMSO is denying it. Video of her saying it, isn't enough. I don't know how you talk to someone like that, or why it's worth trying.

Talk about bending the facts to fit your agenda.

It's a mental disorder. When he denies what's on video, and WDMSO and Pete say I'm a Trump zealot who can never criticize Trump, you're dealing with a mental disorder. I can list all the reasons why I hate Trump, and ten seconds later (when they know they are losing a point and can't admit it) they say I'm Sean Hannity.

They don't merely "believe in" liberalism. They are enslaved by it, possessed by it.
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