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Old 12-03-2021, 06:18 PM   #21
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Jim her 1st words out of her mouth is she acknowledge Kemp won under the rules of the election ..

What more do you want .. and OMG Ted asking an election question is a joke

Your in the cult… that is certainly the case and a breitbart clip to boot 😂
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
And then after that, she says it was stolen.

If video of her saying that isn't proof to you that she said it, I can't help you.

"Ted asking an election question is a joke "

I'm sorry, there aren't any videos of Rachael Maddow or Whoopi Goldberg asking her why she's lying. If the people you get your news from EVER held liberals accountable for the lies they tell, I'd have gotten you video of that. But they don't, not ever.

Let's recap.

Jim: Stacey Abrams says the election was stolen.

WDMSO: she never said that

Jim: here's video of her saying exactly that.

WDMSO: Ted Crud also spoke on that video, so I dismiss it.

The identity of the person she was speaking to, isn't relevant. She says it was stolen from the citizens of Georgia. There is exactly zero proof of that, other than her claims. The same guy who said Trump is lying about his lection being stolen (which ought to give him some credibility to you), also says Abrams is lying through her teeth.

You don't care. You cannot accept that which doesn't serve liberalism.

"Your in the cult"

You're denying what she said on video. Did Cruz trick her into saying it? Or is he a master ventriloquist?

You're completely humiliating yourself.
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